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I am confused. I am not confused about my sexuality: I am a proud metrosexual. I am not confused on how the world views me: creative, eccentric, awkward, fun-loving and all that jazz. But I am confused. I am confused as in why the world cannot accept me for who I am. I don't need to fit in. In fact, I don't like fitting in. Conformity hinders creativity. I give my heart away easily. I love a lot of people. Is there any harm in loving someone? I accept both creationism and evolution. I don't need to choose sides. I accept people of all walks in life. I know what it feels like to be lonely. I know what it feels like to be depressed. I know what it feels like to lose someone you dearly love. I know what it feels like to lose your best friend. I know what it feels like to be a failure. People say I haven't experienced much in life to be a wise guy, but I have experienced what most haven't experienced.. I am confused.

I am good at doing things most people are not good at doing. People dream about writing a poem or song for their love; I write them on a daily basis. People wish they could play an instrument; I taught myself how to play five instruments. People wish they could know how to draw; I bore myself out of drawing. People wish they could understand computers; I write the language a computer speaks. People wish they could speak another language other than their mother-tongue; I know how to fluently speak 3 languages. People dream of being a billionaire; that is my goal. People wish they were good in academics; I am an honour student for 3 years and continuing. People wish they were athletic; I play on teams and coach for the joy of it. People wish they could direct movies; I have directed 3 films already. People wish they could meet and talk to celebrities; that's part of my life. Yet, I am still a disappointment. I am confused.

I am confused. I do not know how it feels like to kiss your love under the rain. I just know that my love is out there with another man. I do not know how it feels to an orphan. By the grace of God, my parents love me. I do not know everything. I am confused.

Do not be me. I am confused.

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