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  • Instagram Reflection
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Do you really feel connected?

In the 21st Century, we are engulfed by technology. Cellphones in our hands, laptops at our side, headphones over our heads- that is the technological anatomy of a person today. Equipped with cellphone devices more powerful than the computer sent to the moon, we are basically androids- we cannot live without technology. And not only are we engulfed by technology, we are "connected" with each through the use of social media.

But where do we draw the line? When does social media isolates us rather than connecting us? We follow each other's news feed, like each other other's pictures and statuses, but do we have time to hear each other's stories? This PSA, titled "Do Your Realy Feel Connected?" and directed by newcomers Daniel Gomes and Ryan Solana, give us a taste of how social media actually does the opposite of it's true motive.

This video came in second place in the OYAP Skills Canada Competition, TV and Video Production.

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