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Why do we exist?

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Why are we here? Who created us? What is our purpose? These are some of the questions that pop in our heads when our mind is free from the daily pressure, and the best thing we could think about is our ex-girlfriend who left us 10 months ago. I suffer from existential crisis once in a while, and to be truly honest, it doesn't bother me as much. I am living life, with my ups and down, and the least I could worry about is the reason behind my existence. But that doesn't answer the question: Why do we exist?

In my opinion, we don't have a set meaning to our lives. We are given birth, we grow old and die- that's the basic rule of the Earth. We are just like any other creature- we are naturally programmed to survive. But as "intelligent" creatures, we try to find the meaning behind our existence. But the plain fact is that there is none. It may seem a bit baffling, but at the end of the day, we are all creatures of nature. If we strip ourselves of our power of knowledge and judgement, we are no different than the animals of the wild.

But that doesn't stop me, a teenager who barely etched the surface of life, to decipher the meaning behind our existence. As portrayed by the quote said by George Bernard Shaw, life isn't about finding the meaning behind, but to give meaning itself. In my fair opinion, it's not about trying to find the reason behind our existence, but to enjoy it and and truly enrich life with experiences in a way that when we die, we had lived a meaningful life. This "meaning" is different for everyone, as everyone is different in their own way. It doesn't matter what your "story" is, what matters is what you have done despite of your "story". Every human being is a book, and a book is only worthwile if it's filled with experiences, not when it is empty.

So, when you're in your bed, it's half-past one in the night, and the best thing you could tink about is of your ex girl-friend who left you 10 months ago, think about that instead of trying to find the meaning behind your life- after all, both will question your existence and will leave you bewildered for the night.

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