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The metaphor of the Oak tree

"When we entered, we were young saplings. It wasn't until we had overcome the storms and sruvived the floods that we became the mighty Oak trees you see standing in front of yourself."


The saplings represent our younger selves as we enter into Grade 12. The storms and the floods represent the various obstacles and challenges we face as teenagers trying to balance our academc, extra-curriculars and social life. The Oak trees represent our mature self, which came out after we had finished fighting our battles.

In my fair opinion, this metaphor truly depicts my life as a senior at St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School. I can't speak for the others, but after fighting various battles, whether it be personal, social or academic, I know I had won some and lost some. The Oak tree depicts my mature self because just like an Oak tree, I stand tall against the winds and floods, while giving shelter to those who truly need it.

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